UFOs and Intelligent Design

Today I got done with my final exams for my college classes, was hanging around, when I heard that MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) was doing some sort of lecture on campus. I figured, why not? Maybe they had some evidence that would shake my view of the world… Eh… maybe not. At the very least, I should be open minded, right?

So I went. It was a lecture by a Native American named Rainbow Eagle.

Before I continue, I feel I need to make the following disclaimer, because I’ll essentially be calling the man an ignunt fool.

Rainbow Eagle, you have a great personality. You are a very nice person. Very friendly. Humble. And you have a really awesome name. I wish I’d been named something like… Rainbow Jelly Fish… or… Sparkling Eagle.

So, we saw a video of some guy speaking in Spanish (with English voice-overs) about how apparently their belief (which has allegedly been verified by science) is that humans were planted here some 12,000 years ago by aliens. That’s 6,000 more years than the young earth creationists think we’ve been here. Not too bad.

And then, the guy in the video started talking about… wait for it… wait for it…

Quantum Mechanics!

What a surprise. And you know those words that New Age gurus use so much when talking about quantum mechanics? Vibration, frequency, energy? Yup. All those words were there.

See, we can only experience certain frequencies, but some people can experience other frequencies, and therefore see into parallel universes.


When the video ended, I asked “is our species the only species to have been ‘planted’ here?” Seems like a good question to ask. Why would only humans be planted?

He was very confused by the question. He asked me “do you mean, are we the only specie to have been planted here?”


This takes both scientific and grammatical ignorance. He didn’t really have an answer for that, anyway.

And it moved on…

He said that there were four races originally planted here. Not only that, but these original races were different colours. Native Americans used to be red. Blacks used to be blue. Asians used to be green. And whites used to be… transparent. That’s right. Transparent.

No. I have no idea how he knows this.

Rainbow Eagle presented us with three theories of the origin of humans.

  1. Aliens put us here to mine gold for them, until we rebelled. So, they genetically programmed us with loyalty to them so that we’d think of them as gods.
  2. Aliens came and helped humans develop technology, so we worshiped them because we thought that that was a very nice thing to do.
  3. Evolution.

I have no idea how he came up with 1 and 2, but he said that number 3 was right out. Well what do you expect? His understanding of evolution was that it is “Man-to-ape. Somehow an ape stood up, lost its hair, got more brainpower, or whatever all that technical stuff is.” No, we shared a common ancestor with the apes. That common ancestor may have been very ape-like. He’s completely leaving out mutation and natural selection in this over-simplified “explanation”.

“Now we know what the problem with evolution is.”

Some woman in the room piped up, “missing link!”

Here I was thinking I was just in a room full of UFO enthusiasts. When did I end up in a room full of cdesign proponentsists?

Missing links. A perfectly valid argument… if used before the 1920s.

I raised my hand again. I’m pretty sure I was starting to annoy the people in the room because I was talking about (gasp!) actual science!

“What about Homo erectus, Australopithicus afarensis, Homo neanderthalensis?”

“Well, those show that there was an evolutionary trail leading up to us, but then you suddenly have fully formed humans out of nowhere!”


“Why do we share 99% of our genome with the chimps?”

No answer.

After this lecture, he told me that he would try to fit it all together to fit his theories. This is part of the scientific method. When new evidence arises, you see if you can modify your theories to fit it. If not, you have to accept that your theory, no matter how fond you are of it, is useless and it’s back to the drawing board.

But something tells me that he’s just going to cling to it. I mean, what’s more attractive than having your ancestors come from the stars?

How about this…

Way, way, way back when, a self-replicating molecule formed. And just because certain configurations of self-replicating molecules were better at making more copies of themselves than others, selection pressure was applied to it to create a remarkable diversity of wonderful life. Among these lifeforms are humans like you, and me, who were able to write poetry, music, make art. But even better, we are able to think and create science to accurately understand how we came to be.

There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

Charles Robert Darwin

54 responses to this post.

  1. What college are you attending? That’s just depressing, not that they had this kind of speaker in the first place, but that you were the only one to actually apply science. You don’t have to be a science major to have critical thinking skills!

  2. Community College of Denver, but I believe that this was done through the Crypto-Science Society at Metropolitan State College of Denver.

  3. I have yet to figure out how people find Quantum Mechanics so very mysterious – in my opinion, it’s one of the most self explanatory areas of physics. This of course may be from the fact that I’ve known how it works since I was five. If these people really wanted to sound convincing, they ought to check out things like gravitons and dark matter. I am afraid, though, that people will continue to use ironic phrases that they don’t understand. “Quantum leap” still makes me crack up.

    As for aliens…I think the only way they could prove that is to show that we’re not carbon based life forms. On the other hand, I’m still wondering how this theory works out for the rest of life on earth. Along with various other inconsistencies that aren’t really worth mentioning. Mostly I find this as amusing as young earth creationists, even if aliens do have a special place in my heart.

  4. “The Quest for Right”: A Creationist Attack on Quantum Mechanics.

    By Stephen L of the newsgroups.derkeiler.com

    Here’s a different take on creationism/ID: “The Quest for Right,” a multi-volume series on science, attacks Darwinism indirectly, by attacking quantum mechanics:

    “American Atheists base their reasoning on Quantum Interpretation, hand in hand with Quantum Mathematics. Summoning the dark forces of quantum mysticism, with mathematical incantations, possesses the power to bewilder, and thus con, the average persons seemingly at will, into believing the bizarre and surreal: Z Particles, Neutrinos, Leptons, Quarks, Weak Bosons, etc. Mystics attempt to pass off quantum abuses as legitimate science, by expressing the theories in symbolic fashion. These formula represent the greatest hoax ever pulled upon an unsuspecting public….The objective….is to expedite the return to classical physics, by exposing quantum dirty tricks. That is, unethical behavior or acts,…to undermine and destroy the credibility of Biblical histories. These dirty tricks include: Absolute dating systems, Big Bang Theory, Antimatter, and Oort Cloud. These…have no further station in Science.”


    A more sophisticated way to argue against Darwin is certainly to argue against modern physics. Without modern physics, you lose astrophysics too, which enables the author to make the case for YEC [young earth creationism]. The author goes on to “prove” that things like red supergiant stars and X-ray pulsars don’t really exist, except in the imagination of scientists.”

  5. Posted by jks on May 12, 2008 at 6:57 am

    May I please have Shalini Sehkar’s phone number?

  6. Posted by jks on May 12, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Why not? I desperately need to talk to her.

  7. Even if I did have her phone number, I can’t give it to you because it’s simply a matter of her privacy. People’s contact information is private until they choose to share it. And why don’t you ask her directly?

    How desperately do you need to talk to her? If it’s just a matter of you having a hopeless crush, go get yourself a big box of chocolates or a pint of ice cream.

  8. Posted by Arnaud on May 13, 2008 at 8:53 pm

    And now “cdesign proponentsists” is officially a meme!…

  9. -Aliens put us here to mine gold for them,
    until we rebelled. So, they genetically programmed us with loyalty to them so that we’d think of them as gods.
    -Aliens came and helped humans develop technology, so we worshiped them because we thought that that was a very nice thing to do.

    …Or God?

  10. jks,

    Awww…you poor little fanboy.

  11. Posted by Andrew Murray on May 14, 2008 at 1:45 am

    I know where he got ’em

    Theories 1 & 2 are the main plot for Stargate, Stargate SG-1 & Stargate Atlantis.

  12. Stargate was based on the Ancient Astronaut “hypothesis”. I’m pretty sure Dean Devlin actually believes it.

  13. The ancient Astronaut hypothesis would make great science fiction if the ancient astronauts were humans who left our planet thousands of years ago and had built a civilization or perhaps humans found a primitive species on another planet which we end up advancing their civlization.

  14. Posted by Tarbo on May 14, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    I wish Mr. Eagle would come to my school! Last semester a campus Christian club at my school organized an “Creation Debate Semiar” which was scheduled to meet every wednesday night. I went eagerly to grapple with the creationists. When I got to the room–a great science ampitheater lecture hall–there were exactly five people there. Two were the creationist guest lecturers and one was me! I almost felt sorry for them.

  15. Posted by Tarbo on May 14, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    oppss! I meant ‘seminar’

  16. […] then, in the history of the Earth it should have ended about (rounding up) 900,000 times. Even Rainbow Eagle knew […]

  17. […] on campus. I figured, why not? Maybe they had some evidence that would shake my view of the worlhttps://splendidelles.wordpress.com/2008/05/11/ufos-and-intelligent-design/City meets country in ‘Farmer Wants a Wife’ Albany Times […]

  18. In addition, Darwin was a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL. Do you want your kids to learn theorys by a raging HOMO? Fags want to insert there penises into other mens anuses. Is that what you want taught in public schools? Sounds like it to me. Have fun in hell.

  19. You’re joking? You aren’t joking?

  20. Does it sound like I’m joking fucknuts?

  21. I wish. I like to have hope for the world.

  22. Posted by Quasarsphere on June 3, 2008 at 6:45 am

    Parsons, you absolute muppet! There’s absolutely no evidence that Darwin was homosexual. None.

    Isaac Newton, on the other hand, you know, the guy who figured out how gravity works, among other things…he’s thought to have been that way inclined.

    Does this mean the theory of gravity is incorrect?

    You’re a twat, Parsons.

  23. Posted by PWEOTWEB on June 4, 2008 at 4:39 am

    ROFL, thanks for the laugh Parsons. You’re hilarious mate.

  24. Posted by potsquad on June 4, 2008 at 12:58 pm


    While there is no indication whatsoever that Darwin was homosexual, you are aware that King James I. (he of the King James Version) definitely was? i.e., the guy who compiled the one true “authorised version” of your cult’s holy book did very much like to “insert his penis into other men’s anuses”, as you so eloquently put it. Surely, if you want to ban “The Origin of Species” on these grounds then you should campaign to have the KJV pulped as well…

    Secondly, and you might not be aware of it, as you probably never came close enough to a woman yourself: a vast number of heterosexual men get their kicks from inserting their penises into women’s anuses, and quite a number of these women seem to enjoy it.

    Finally… “Fucknuts”? Really? Still aiming for that “lamest insult of 2008” trophy?

  25. “In addition, Darwin was a FLAMING”

    Please know that the an online impersonator added that post. I have never written anything about Darwin’s personal life.

    In order to prove the trickery, my information takes you to the questforright.com website, the impostor’s takes you to http://questforright.blogspot.com/

  26. […] “theories” are creationism, intelligent design, Rael, and whatever you call what all those UFO enthusiasts believe. Obviously, the first three have religious agendas behind them (the first two having […]

  27. C. David Parsons, you’re a moron. Nobody is interested in your spam.

  28. C. David Parsons said:

    Please know that the an online impersonator added that post. I have never written anything about Darwin’s personal life.

    Good thing you cleared that up. That other C. David Parsons sounded crazy as fuck.

  29. Posted by Ima Curious on June 25, 2008 at 9:45 am

    I often wonder why we have such a hard time accepting “third party” theory. I mean, there is no more evidence for Darwinism than there is for creationism. For creationism, you have a book that is incorrect in its ability to describe creation correctly. In Darwinism, the highly sough after missing link is as elusive and lost as ever.

    In the Third Party Theory (theories are such because they are not yet facts), there is much evidence of visitation and artifacts. And yes, ancient cultures have many origin stories that tell of Gods who came from the sky, enslaved man and gave us civilization.

    I find it a rather interesting theory because it makes scientists so angry, and shows how their own perceptions are in fact as fanatical as those of religion.

  30. Um… that’s fascinating except we have so-called “missing links”. Again, Homo erectus, Australopithicus afarensis, Homo neanderthalensis, just to name three off the top of my head.

    On top of that, we have molecular evidence (DNA evidence), observed instances of speciation, observed beneficial mutations, observed evolution of bacterial organisms, etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Go to any natural history museum and you’ll see tons of fossils, all found in the expected layer (you never find modern rabbits in Cambrian rock), all supportive of evolution.

    Creationism and “Third Party Theories” only have the stories. You have to understand that the reason why it’s not scientific is because science demands evidence for its claims. They don’t study mythology for answers. They experiment. They search for evidence.

  31. Posted by JoJo on July 5, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    I often wonder why we have such a hard time accepting “third party” theory.

    Because there’s exactly zero evidence for “aliens did it”. Myths and lines in deserts don’t rate as evidence.

    I find it a rather interesting theory because it makes scientists so angry, and shows how their own perceptions are in fact as fanatical as those of religion.

    It makes a few people angry because they don’t like to see idiocy paraded so blantently. However, most scientists, along with most other people, don’t get angry. We just shake our heads and wonder why some people are so stupid.

  32. Community colleges are usually public schools whose facilities are available as venues for traveling lecturers and such. The appearance of a wacko at a college is by no means an endorsement of said wacko by the school. My community college was the site of a lecture by Stanton Friedman, who held forth at great length about UFOs and his speculations about their super-technological nuclear propulsion systems. It was fascinating, but not entirely persuasive. I was not recruited into the ranks of flying saucer aficionados. A missed opportunity.

    My college also hosted an appearance by humorist Richard Armour. He was more entertaining than Friedman. I was not, however, recruited into the ranks of professional humorists. Strictly amateur.

  33. Posted by Pierce R. Butler on July 5, 2008 at 7:02 pm

    Nice blog, intelligent thoughts, (ahem) lively commentary – all rendered painful to read – at least on my CRT monitor – by that awful gray typeface.

    Please fix!

  34. Posted by Sili on July 5, 2008 at 7:08 pm

    theories are such because they are not yet facts

    *bzzzzzzzzt* WRONG!

  35. Ho boy. “Rainbow Eagle” sounds like a first-class Plastic Shaman. More here from Lisa Aldred: Plastic Shamans and Astroturf Sun Dances: New Age Commercialization of Native American Spirituality.

    According to NAFPS, “Rainbow Eagle” has another name, Roland Williston

  36. Posted by Hagsrus on July 5, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Gray typeface…

    If you use Firefox, google Bookmarklets and check out the annoyance zaps. I use the color fix all the time — my aging eyes cope best with black on white.

    I think it works with Opera as well.

  37. The UFO story sounded similar to that of a science fiction movie…lol…“Why do we share 99% of our genome with the chimps?” Sounds close doesn’t it? The evolutionist has them on the run now…lol…Then why chimps organs are unsuitable for human transplants? Why does research finding more and more differences between human DNA and chimps? Why do we not look or act like chimpanzees if our genetic material is so similar?

    Fact is, it’s not so close as it appears…Comparing primates and humans, the 1-2% difference in DNA represents approximately 80 million different nucleotides (compared to the 3-4 billion nucleotides that make up the entire human genome). Recent studies have found that only 48.6% of the whole human genome matched chimpanzee nucleotide sequences. (Only 4.8% of the human Y chromosome could be matched to chimpanzee sequences.)

    Your question to the UFO promoters was outdated…lol

  38. Posted by freelunch on July 6, 2008 at 12:10 am

    Michael, if you cannot tell the difference between evolution and the theory that explains it, you haven’t been paying attention to science class since sixth grade.

    Laughing at others because you are ignorant is unwise.

  39. Posted by Pierce R. Butler on July 6, 2008 at 12:16 am

    Hagsrus –

    Thanks for the tip. Alas, bookmarklets.com offers only one item to change text color – and that one, updated almost ten years ago, has nothing to say to Firefox 3.

  40. Posted by FragrantFred on July 6, 2008 at 1:31 am

    “…and quite a number of these women seem to enjoy it…”

    I don’t believe this for a moment – I demand to meet these women!

  41. Posted by tony on July 6, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    They say there’s a place down in mexico
    Where a man can fly over mountains and hills
    And he don’t need an airplane or some kind of engine
    And he never will
    Now you know its a meaningless question
    To ask if those stories are right
    cause what matters most if the feeling
    You get when you’re hypnotized

    Fleetwood Mac

  42. Posted by Luna_the_cat on July 6, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    Michael — not that I expect you to understand most of this answer — but one of the areas of the genome which evolves and mutates fastest is the immune system, including those components of the immune system which recognise the sugars which “tag” cell surfaces. This is one of the areas where we demonstrate the most difference between chimps and humans. It makes chimp and human organs non-interchangeable simply because any immunosuppressive drug which was powerful enough to suppress our immune response to something as different as that would also leave us open to any infectious element which so much as looked in our direction. However, this is not a surprise and poses no challenge to evolutionary ideas. Humans run into a lot of diseases which chimps don’t, and if our immune system did not change to keep up with our environmental challenges none of us would be here and the species would have died a-borning.

    Your assertions about genome similarity (especially for the Y chromosome) are also just a bit screwy, not to mention wrong — and while there are significant difference, we can also trace where and how, and to a certain extent precisely why, those differences occurred. For example, look at http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/09/050906075204.htm .

    splendidelles — I grew up in Colorado, and until about 3 years ago my brother tought computing at that community college. If I ever make it back to Denver for a visit, I would very much like to stand you a beer.

  43. Posted by hagsrus on July 6, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    Pierce R. Butler:

    Zap — it seems to have carried over to my Firefox 3 without a hitch.

    Just tried re-dragging it to the bookmarks toolbar from the site to test and no problem.

  44. Luna, that’s a very nice offer, but I’m 15 at the moment so you’ll have to wait 6 years. I like Cold Stone ice cream, though. Thanks anyway.

  45. Posted by kermit on July 6, 2008 at 5:34 pm

    Michael: I bought a book once which had some errors; one section of 40 pages or so was duplicated, and one section of about 60 pages had been deleted. (These are similar to two common mutations, BTW.) If you count the reproduction errors, there were two – it would be meaningful to say that there were two differences from the normal books of that edition. It would also be fair to count the page differences. And how would you count them? The pages after the duplicated section were matched bu normal books, but they were now at a different page number. And if you count the words, there were many, many differences from a normal book.

    This is similar to the genetic code in organisms – there are several meaningful ways to compare genomes. By whatever method you use, we are more similar to chimps and bonobos then any of these three species are to any other.

    And what do you mean you don’t look or act like a chimp? Do you think you look more like a dog, or an anteater, or a sea cucumber, or what? Sheesh.

  46. Posted by Luna_the_cat on July 6, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    Ah…(I could say something about, “being 15 never stopped me”, but I think I’m supposed to be setting myself up as a responsible adult or something. Whoops.)

    Well, ice cream it is, then. –Just wondering, have you ever had Bonnie Brae ice cream (University Blvd.)? If so, what do you think of them?

    And, just incidentally, I would never have pegged you for 15 from your writing. 20 maybe.

  47. Hah. As soon as I saw the word “splendid” I had to suspect a link to your blog. Nice work Elles!

  48. Haha. I’ve heard of it. I’ve gone past it a few times. Never went in it. But I know whereabouts it is.

  49. Posted by Luna_the_cat on July 7, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Well, if you haven’t gone in and had some of their ice cream

    It’s summer, you know you want to. And you won’t regret it……

  50. […] of Intelligent Design? PZ Myers warns us to shudder, for it has already happened. Behold, the MUFON lecture series: So I went. It was a lecture by a Native American named Rainbow Eagle. . . . . He […]

  51. hmm.. thank you very much. usefull information

  52. Cool. It took almost a day to find this info. Thanks! Good job. 🙂

  53. Posted by jchamberlain on March 6, 2012 at 10:58 pm

    You insult Rainbow Eagle, ancient knowledge and myself. Elders traditionally answer question at the mental level of the one asking…..may the Creator bless you and those who listen to you an open mind so that you can learn.

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